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Solar Audio Bible


This new solar-powered Bible fits in the palm of your hand and speaks the Bible, in a real human voice for Comoros and Malagasy rainforest language. It’s perfect for strict areas and remote Rainforest villages. You can jump from book to book or chapter to chapter with a press of a button. It recharges by the sun and it plays for 10 hours when it is fully charged.


This new solar-powered Bible fits in the palm of your hand and speaks the Bible, in a real human voice for Comoros and Malagasy rainforest language. It’s perfect for strict areas and remote Rainforest villages. You can jump from book to book or chapter to chapter with a press of a button. It recharges by the sun and it plays for 10 hours when it is fully charged.

We envision a Biblical Based church in every one of the 15,000 villages in the rain forest of Madagascar. With Bibles and training, we help our brothers and sisters to reach the remaining lost people of this nation including those who are illiterate.

35% of all Malagasy cannot read or write. In the villages of the rain forest areas, this percentage is even higher. Often they neither have radio nor TV sets there nor do smartphones exist.

In the villages, there are many that cannot read, but they are interested in the Gospel and those who are already following Christ also want to share the Good News with others.

Therefore we give small-groups and families with adults who cannot read, a solar-powered Audio-Bible-player.

With one digital player often more than 30 people can be reached with the Gospel. Please help with your donation so that more illiterate people in Madagascar will get access to the Word of God.


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