Greetings in the name of Jesus.
I trust you and your family had a joyous Easter celebration.
1 Corinthians 6:14: "And God raised the Lord and will also raise us by his power."
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world, Madagascar and Comoros are part of the world's least developed countries. Millions of people are at risk from coronavirus and lack the economic resources and medical infrastructure, to combat it.

One of our Church planters in the rainforest named Levelo with his family is in a challenging situation, with the COVID-19 pandemic. Levelo has children to look after. He collects firewood to make sure that he gets what he needs for his family. He said life is too difficult because of shortages of food. They have been in the rainforest since the government lockdown. They are concerned about how he and his family are going to survive without food during this pandemic.
Mission Centre
Printings, Bibles And Materials.
We are in continuous contact with the team leaders in the field to touch-base and assess progress of the work done.
We are busy printing 4,000 OBS Bibles during this time of the lockdown at the Mission Center and started to print New Testament Bibles in 6 new different languages that have just been translated. This has never been complete in their own language of the Bible NT before.
We have enough stock of paper at our warehouse and ink for the printing, but soon we may need more stock to print more Bibles.

We are continually serving at the center to support the work in the field, to reach the unreached people groups with the Gospel. We provide them the Bibles in their languages that they may follow Christ, obey the words of God, and help in spreading the word of God in the villages and the surrounding areas.
Mission Impact
Discipleship leading to healthy Biblical based Church.

Small group leaders in the Eastern region are, leading small groups within 10 to 12 people for weekly Bible Studies in different villages.
Madagascar Outcomes:
- 400 more church planters & evangelists trained coached to further train 2,000 more small group leaders.
- 1,900 small groups Bible Study started, most of them are in the unchurched rainforest villages.
- 20,000 People are reached and Discipled to follow Christ
- In 2019, we increased by 33% of our goal to reach and disciples people in the area of ministry.

Pastor Gervais is one of our regional leaders in the northeast rainforest of Madagascar among an animism people group. He and his team have reached many villages with his cluster leaders. They've reached 30 villages in their region, 7,200 people received Christ and 5,000 were baptized.
Praise be to the Lord, Amen!
Please pray for the families of our leaders during this COVID-19 lockdown and pandemic. Because of the poverty in the country; this became more challenging for us. Food is a problem; we have 120 families in need at the moment. The governments' aid supply is limited and does not reach them.
Please pray for the need of Bible Texts, (20,000 Bibles needed).
Please pray for Bible translation. With 12 languages, our translators are doing some of the translations while they are at home, during this lockdown.
Dinah Ratsimbajaona
Islands Mission President and Founder.