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Mar 4, 2021



Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope all is well with you. I am also doing well here, by the grace of the Lord., I hope you have a great start to the year, and wishing the best in 2021 to be a better year than 2020.

"Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19

During the morning prayers, the Lord guided my perspective on leading the Leaders I lead in the mission field to be more successful. So that I have the confidence to believe in them to grow, multiply, make decisions, independent, be a leader, have a vision, and fulfill their callings lead by the Holy Spirit.

Leadership Training Mentor

Dinah with some of his Regional and Pastors Leaders during the annual meetings

In this first quarter of 2021, we train 80 leaders to train leaders for the Bible Study Group program from three different regions in the rainforest. They are to train 250 group leaders, who will lead Bible Study groups in their villages in the rainforest.
In the trainers' initial training, because of Covid19, I could not travel, but I participated via WhatsApp myself along with the regional coordinators and Pastors in the rainforest.
They have now returned to their respective Regions to train group leaders to lead the Bible Study Group.

Group Leader Training

The regional leaders have now trained 160 group leaders. The Bible Study group has already started, with about 10 people attending each group in their respective villages, 70 villages, and 1,600 people now reached and disciple.
The BS group begins offering CBS Community Bible Study as they mature and desire to expand their Bible study and Church planting activities.

Children and Youth Bible Study

We are amazed that so many children join the Bible Study group, they love it, and many of them have already received the Bible. Children Bible Study groups are already training 30 more leaders to train new group leaders.
Thank God that the risk of Covid-19 disease in the rainforest and rural areas is low. The work is expanding and progressing.
The covid-19 disease is rampant in the city, but pastors who have churches are surprised when Sunday church meetings are reopened, and the church is growing.

Church Growth

Our Church in the City reopens after the Covid-19 lockdown, the number of the member increases.
This was due to BS and CBS small groups being able to continue during the lockdown of Covid-19 and causing the church to grow when it reopened.
The Church of my mother, a Pastor in the capital city, church she runs, increased the number of believers by 30% when the church reopened after the Covid-19 lockdown.

This is due to the DMM principal BS groups and CBS's implementation during the Covid-19 lockdown, and hundreds of families have adopted BS in their homes.

The essential tool for carrying out this work is the Bible in Malagasy, a real problem because people cannot afford to buy the Bible. There is no Bible to buy in the countryside, and it is limited to the city because it is imported from South Korea.

According to IM estimates, there are about 4,000,000 Christians who need a Bible in Malagasy. Where IM works, 95% of people in rural areas need a Bible. Each family member, If they are a Christian, they have only one Bible. When they get married in a church, they are given a Bible as a gift from the church, so that what they have.

Bible in Malagasy

Thank the Lord for the 3,000 Malagasy Bibles donor support IM for his work and just arrived end of December 2020 from South Korea.

1,800 Bibles are already distributed and in the hands and hearts of people who follow the BS group and the church. 70% of them have just had their own Bible for the first time in their life.

A 65-year-old man was thrilled to have a Bible for the first time in his life.

She leads a BS group and has long wanted to have a Bible, so she got it; now, she is full of joy.

The Bibles are from our warehouse in Antananarivo. The Regional leaders or Group leaders orders the Bibles by sending the lists of people who need a Bible and are already attending BS / CBS, the distance is up to 500 km or 311 miles away to send the Bibles, some take a bush taxi, and then by motorbike, cross the river by canoe, by foot up mountains carrying the Bibles, before reaching the rainforest villages, it takes hours and days on foot sometimes to reach a village in the rainforest.

From the Mission Center office in Tana, our field Regionals Leaders, far away in the rainforest, are constantly sending out hundreds of names lists of the people who need a Bible and news reports to the Office Staff. We believe that will be distributed 3,000 Bibles by the end of March 2021.

The Mission Center office in Antananarivo and Staff: Tolotra is Field Reporter; Mickael responsible for IT / Warehouse, and Rova is Admin and CBS Coordinator and translator.

People receive Bibles with joy, and we are so grateful; we thank and appreciate the donor. May the Lord bless you more abundantly for supporting this ministry. Jesus said, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4: 4.

We still trust in the Lord for more thousands of Bibles so that we may reach more thousands and millions of people to His Kingdom.

Field Testimonies

Angela now owns her own Bible

This is a testimony of Angela, who received the Bible. She committed herself to the Lord in a church branch of Angoja village. She longed to learn the Word of God, but she did not have a Bible. It was not enough to hinder her, and she decided to go to her uncle, an evangelist, to read the Bible often, though he lives far from her village. She had to walk a long way to get there, but now that she received her own Bible, she can read it from her place.

She is grateful for that, and this will change her life greatly because she will know more about the Lord and Word. She said thank you to those who make this possible to her to have the Bible. Glory to God!

Prayer Requests

Please Pray for:

  • Pastor Gervais and Pastor Richard, our leaders from the northern region, lost their wives.
  • Pastor Gorge from Antananarivo "Peace Plan" partner died from Covid in February 2021.
  • Our entrepreneurs who are members of the group/church are mostly out of business. 80% are farmers due to the economic crisis of the Covid pandemic.
  • Need tools for missions: Bibles, Audio Bibles, Printing tools.
  • The price of rice, which is the Malagasy people's staple food, has risen by 50%. Madagascar has become more poor.
  • Translation of the Bible into minority dialects that is underway.
  • Thank God for the business training, and Microloand Project will start soon to help entrepreneurs.
  • Many roofless churches in the rainforest need a zinc roof. They are asking for help to buy it so that they can cover their church. Believers are drenched in the rain.
  • The Mission Center office training center Building in Antananarivo is still renting, and the owner is looking to sell the property due to her illness. She has already made an offer, and we do not have the necessary resources yet to buy the property. Please pray for funding.
  • Please pray for Islands Mission's ongoing mission works and Dinah's Family needs.

Thank you for your continued Prayers, Blessings, and Support.

We appreciate you.

Stay Safe.

In His Services.

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