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Jan 20, 2020

Story of Zoïubaïda

Story of Zoïubaïda

Islands Mission

Zoïubaïda was raised in a Muslim culture, because her father is a Comorian from the Comoros, and her mother is Malagasy of Madagascar, there are 6 children in a family and all are Muslim.

She experienced through hardships, and her husband abused made her suffer and she felt tortured and had insufficient needs in the household. After some time there was a time, a team from our Discovery Bible Study visited and comforted by sharing the Love of Jesus to her, but she didn’t care much, as the only one what matters to her is Muslim “Allah”. The servant of God didn’t give up and kept encouraging her and inviting her to come to the group Bible Study. In that group, she was invited to learn the Discovery Bible study program, if she is interested. However, once the study began, she did accept to join the group and she was welcomed with love.

When she joined the group, she began to discover that whatever she did learn from the Bible study program seemed to be contrary to what the Quran did say. In the Quran, it says that “eye for an eye” in Muslim terms it is to fight and revenge, but in the Bible Study, it is taught to forgive and love and she had learned a lot from the Discovery Bible Study which brought to transformation and blessings in her life.

Now she completed the program Bible Study and she testifying to her neighbourhood that Jesus transformed her life completely to be a better blessing and she started sharing her faith in Jesus to her Muslim friends, little by little on her own. She didn’t go back to her faith as a Muslim anymore as she knows that the true way which is the only way is Jesus Christ, although her husband did receive Jesus and joined the Bible Study and now both love and respect each other, her family became new in Christ, Jesus became the centre for their life. 

Zoïbaïda is thankful and appreciative towards the Bible Study program and they have received their own text Bible in Malagasy from IM and partner.

Zoïbaïda's Family is one of the 18 Muslim Comorians families recently transformed and became a follower of Christ and beginning the Bible Study program. Praise and Glory to Jesus!

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